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Cuadro de texto:     Control of Entrance auto Generated Interactive



General information




D.R. © 2025 - CEaGI, CHILE.

At the present time the development and implementation of computer science applications on the part of become fond of companies, professionals, technicians or imply to invest much dedication, time and resources. By such reason, procedures are contemplated to condition or to restrict the use of these computer science applications without the previous payment or permission of the author. All these implemented procedures or systems must like objective prevent copies, install or uses no authorized, commonly called piracy to these intangible assets. These procedures of control generally are used and implemented at the time of installing the computer science application or using it in a personal computer for the first time. Within the procedures or systems used at the moment in computer science applications to condition or to restrict its use, they are introducing a single key or CD-Key that can be of alphanumeric or single type numbers, that previously is assigned of factory in the own computer science application. Where this one, serious part of the solution implemented by most of the companies computer science application developers to avoid copies, facilities or uses no authorized of its intangible assets.


The “disadvantage” of this type of procedures used at the present time by companies software developer is that it does not concern the amount of keys or CD-Key is introduced to activate the computer science application, or extensive and difficult they are for writing them, always is activated and installed the computer science application with a single key, that previously is defined of factory characterizing them like no changeable and static, leaving in evidence the vulnerability of the given solution.


 The “advantage” of the Control of Entrance auto Generated Interactive (CEaGI) is that it has the capacity to auto generated multiple keys of entrance whenever the computer science application activates and installs, whose characteristic is that it always goes changing, all this without the necessity to connect itself to Internet or installing additional hardware.


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· contacto@ceagi.com



UlFeMo: 02.01.25_Ed4.17

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